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A pacifier for a newborn

First teat for a newborn baby He can be a child's best friend. He can provide him with comfort and safety, and help him soothe them when he is nervous. But is the teat really necessary? Is it worth using a teat? Parents often ask about it, and many experts agree that a good quality, appropriate teat shape is something that can be safely given to a newborn, provided that the parent's sensitive eye controls the situation, time and way of using the pacifier by the child. Do you also need a pacifier? 

A teat for a newborn - why and is it even needed?

At the beginning of the base. If you decide to use a pacifier, make sure it is functional and clean. Check if there is any damage. In this way you will make sure that the child will not choke him or swallow his elements. 

A calming pacifier for a newborn baby It is often perceived by many parents as a necessity. There are several reasons why this happens. 

A small teat for a newborn baby It may prove to be beneficial for you in many ways:

  • First of all, it can help your child self -assist, which can be a huge help when you try to sleep.
  • Secondly, it can also help reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). 

Ultimately, whether you decide to use a pacifier at your newborn baby depends on you. If you decide to use it, remember to regularly clean it and always supervise the baby when putting it in your mouth and use. Just supervise its use and everything will be fine.

Types of baby teats

There are many types of babies for babies and it can be difficult to decide which one is suitable for your child. 

RReflecting teats for newborns:

  1. Orthodontic teats: these teats have a tubble shape that is designed to fit the child's teeth and gums. Such an orthodontic teat supports the correct bite (they avoid malocclusion at a later age). 
  2. Silicone teats: These teats are made of silicone and are often preferred by parents because they are very durable and easy to clean. Standard silicone teats are considered the best option for newborns. They are made of a soft, flexible material that is similar to breast tissue and is less susceptible to irritation than hard plastic versions. Interestingly, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends using silicone teats as often as possible in the first year of life, because they reduce the risk of SIDS.
  3. Latex teats: These teats are made of latex and are often softer and flexible than other types of teats. However, they can break over time and may not be as durable as silicone teats.

Specialist teats - orthodontic, dynamic, anti -colic

Specialist teats are a separate group. Specialized teats come in various shapes and sizes. There are orthodontic teats, dynamic teats and anti -colic teats. 


Specialist teats are recommended if your child has problems with the mouth or other special needs. 


The orthodontic teats have a curved shield that helps prevent excessive closing of the mouth (suction movement causes you to take it together, not outside). 

Dynamic teats facilitate suction movements because they have holes or tabs on the shield. 

Anti -colic teats have ventilation holes in the discs to reduce the amount of air taken during sucking. Reusable teats can be used both when breastfeeding and when feeding modified milk (some may require prior boil before serving the baby). 


There are also specialized (anti -colic and dynamic) bottle teats. They are used for safe, comfortable for a baby feeding mother or replacement milk. 


The first pacifier, i.e. what to look for when choosing a launch teat?


The first pacifier is often the most important tool in the everyday life of a small child and his parent. A well -chosen teat can help your child relax and fall asleep, as well as reduce stress and help a healthy immune system. However, many parents do not know how to choose a good teat for a newborn baby. 


The tips below will help you choose the best teat for a newborn baby:


1. Material: BPA -free silicone material is best for infants because it is soft and comfortable. It is also more hygienic than plastic or rubber materials.


2. Museum: The size of the pacifier should match the size of the infant's lips. If the mouthpiece is too large, it can cause discomfort or poor suction ability; If it is too small, it will be difficult to suck on their own. It should choose one that fits your child's lips so that it can easily suck on its own during feeding or sleep!


3. SPECIALS: If your child has problems with the mouth or other special needs, consider buying an orthodontic or anti -colic teat.


When to give your child the first pacifier?

Since when is a teat for a newborn? The teats are great to help your child fall asleep. However, what is better - give the newborn to his first teat immediately or wait for him to be older?

Consider the pros and cons of using the pacifier


- Pacifiers can help calm restless children.

- If the teat is used correctly, it can reduce the risk of SIDS by up to 50%.

- When the child sucks the pacifier, he helps him fall asleep and stay in sleep longer. Thanks to this, you can also rest longer!



- Incorrectly disinfected teats can cause ear infections because they can clog the hole of the Eustachius tube, which leads at the back of the child's throat to his middle ear. This cable normally drains the liquid from the middle ear to the throat, thanks to which it can be swallowed instead of staying in the ears. If it is blocked, the fluid accumulates and causes infection.


How to care for a baby teat?



  • Make sure your toddler is ready to use the pacifier. It is not a good idea to introduce a pacifier if the child seems restless or irritable.
  • Pacifiers should only be used in the presence of mother and dad so that they can help in modeling proper use.
  • Newborn teats should be cleaned often - at least after each use. They should also be sterilized before each use. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends cooking teat in water for two minutes or washing them with soap and hot water for 20 seconds, and then completely dry before giving them to the child.

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