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Activities supporting the development of a newborn based on evidence - a scientific approach to fun

Merino clothes for children Reading Activities supporting the development of a newborn based on evidence - a scientific approach to fun 11 minutes Next Open-Ended Play, or free fun-an important part of the child's development!

🕒 Reading time: about 10 minutes

🌟 You will learn from this text:

  • What scientifically supported activities support the development of a newborn baby.
  • Practical advice on play and activity with babies.
  • Noski nose products that will help you introduce these activities.

🧠 Newborn's brain development

🏗️ Building foundations - Baby's brain development

The development of the newborn's brain is extremely intense. During this period, it is crucial to stimulate the child's senses through various stimuli. The world of science recommends that from the first days of life infants in activity developing their senses.

🔍 Impact of stimuli on neurological development in the first months of life 

Brain development in the first years of a child's life can be compared to an atomic bomb explosion in terms of its intensity and dynamics. It is a phenomenon full of energy, extremely powerful and transforming. In the first years of life, every new science, experience, every stimulus is like another spark that contributes to an avalanche of reactions and connections in the brain. In every second, hundreds of new neural connections are created in the young brain of a child. This is an unimaginable speed and scale of changes that shape the foundations of intellect, personality, emotional and social abilities. This period in a child's life is extremely important because what is happening at this time has a huge impact on the future functioning and development of man. That is why it is so important to provide the child with the right conditions for development in these first, critical years - full of love, support and stimulating experience.

❤️ strengthening bonds through closeness

Physical proximity, especially skin to the skin, is not only a form of building bond, but also a way to develop body awareness and a sense of touch in a child. Studies show that this form of contact positively affects the emotional and physical development of infants.

✋ Tactile stimulation - skin contact.

Skin contact, also known as a kangaroo method, is one of the simplest and most effective ways to build a deep bond with a newborn baby. Immediately after delivery, both mother and father can practice kangaroo, hugging a child to their naked skin gently. This close, physical presence has a huge impact on the stabilization of the child's heart rhythm, regulation of body temperature and emotional development.

In the home environment, kangaroo can become part of the daily routine. Regardless of whether you are a mother or dad, take time to hug a baby to your skin, preferably in a quiet and warm environment. This can be done when feeding with a bottle, reading a book or simply resting on the couch. It is important to create a calm and safe environment in which every parent can enjoy this intimate and soothing contact with the child.

👶 Kangaroo - moments of closeness with Dad 

Let's not forget about the role of the Father in the kangaroo process. His participation is equally important and brings benefits for both the child and his father himself, strengthening his protective and emotional bond with the child. Practicing regular skin contact to the skin by both parents helps to create a strong, emotional basis for the healthy child's health.

👀 Activities developing sight and hearing of a newborn baby

🌈 Contrast books for the development of sight

🧸 Optical and contrasting toys in the noses

Newborns can best see objects placed at a distance of about 20-30 cm from their faces. The use of toys with clear, contrasting colors, such as toys to the toes to the toes, helps develop the child's visual abilities.

📚 Hearing development by reading and singing

Scientists emphasize that reading for children, even those still unbelievable, is of fundamental importance for their language and emotional development. Studies have shown that infants recognize voices heard in the mother's stomach, and regular reading of books during pregnancy can help build an earlier relationship between parent and child. The voice of the reader becomes soothing and familiar to the child before his birth.

After birth, continuing reading practice is crucial. Even infants who do not understand words are sensitive to the rhythm, tone and emotions contained in the voice of the reader. This not only supports auditory and language development, but also contributes to emotional and social development. Reading books to babies is also a great opportunity to spend time together, which further strengthens the bond between the parent and child.

Infants who regularly listen to read books often have better language skills when growing up. The introduction of books in the earliest stage of life creates foundations for later love of reading and learning. In the noses store you will find a wide selection of books that are perfectly adapted to the needs of babies, encouraging them to discover the world of literature from the first days of life.

🎵 Books and singers for the youngest

Reading books and singing lullabies is not only a way to calm the child, but also to develop his language and auditory skills. In the noses store you will find books ideal for reading together.

🏋️‍♂️ Stimulation of the motor development of the newborn

🤲 delicate exercises and massages

The scientific foundations about the benefits of massage and brushing for newborns are numerous and relate to various aspects of the child's development. Here are a few of them:

  1. Strengthening the bond parent-child: Massage is a great way to build a close relationship between a parent and a child. Direct physical contact increases the levels of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the feeling of bond and attachment, both in the parent and child.

  2. Sensory development of babies: Massage stimulates the sensory development of the newborn. Touch is one of the first senses that develop, and a delicate massage helps babies to explore and react to the world around them.

  3. Calming down and a better dream of an infant: Regular massage can help calm the infant, which often leads to a better and deeper sleep. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the child's overall development and health.

  4. Support for the physical development of infants: Massage can contribute to improving blood circulation, muscle elasticity and increasing the elasticity of the joints, which is important in the physical development of the infant.

  5. A way to colic: Tummy massage can help to alleviate the symptoms of colic by stimulating the digestive system and facilitating gas flow.

  6. Stimulation of the lymphatic and immune system: Regular massage can support the functioning of the lymphatic system, which is important for the body's immunity.

  7. Brushing the skin: Brushing the skin with a dry brush (of course using a specially designed baby brush) can help in the exfoliation and stimulation of the skin. It is also a sensory stimulation method that can support the development of the sense of touch.

  8. Reduction of stress: Both massage and gentle brushing can reduce cortisol levels, stress hormone, which contributes to better mood and child development.

🛡️ Safe exercise accessories

Delicate physical exercises and massage are a great way to develop motor skills and coordination of a newborn baby. In the noses, we offer accessories that will allow you to safely carry out these activities. You will find them here: bath accessories.

🎲 Fun on the educational mat

🔬 Benefits of playing on the mat

Scientists emphasize that play mats are not only a source of entertainment for infants, but play a key role in their development. Here are some reasons why experts recommend placing a child on an educational mat:

  1. Sensory development stimulation: Play mats often have various textures, colors and toys that stimulate the child's senses. This supports sensory development, including eyesight, hearing and touch.

  2. Muscle strengthening and motor development: Lying on the stomach on the mat to play helps to strengthen the muscles of the child's neck, back and shoulders, which is important for motor development, including skills such as falling, sitting down and ultimately walking.

  3. Hand-Oko coordination support: Toys suspended on the arches of educational mattes encourage babies to reach and grip, which supports the development of hand-room coordination.

  4. Development of cognitive skills: Studies show that interaction with various elements of play mat can support early cognitive skills, such as recognition of shapes, colors and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.

  5. Safe environment for exploration: Educational mats provide babies with a safe place to explore and study, which is extremely important in building their independence and confidence.

  6. Support for social and emotional development: Interaction with toys on the mat, as well as with parents and guardians during fun together, supports the child's social and emotional development.

🧩 Sensory noses noses mats

An educational mat with various textures and interactive elements is a great toy for a newborn baby. It helps in developing the sense of touch, sight and small motor skills.

⏰ Introduction of routine and regularity

📅 The importance of regularity for development

🔄 Creating a predictable environment

Regular hours of feeding, sleep and play help the child develop a sense of security and rhythm of the day. It is also an important element supporting healthy mental development.

📝 Toys and accessories supporting the development of a newborn baby

  • 🧸 Educational and sensory toys
  • 📘 Books for the youngest
  • 🧘‍♀️ Accessories for delicate exercises and massage
  • 🛏️ Educational and sensory mats

🔗 This article contains information about toys and accessories for newborns available in the following collections of the noski noski store:

  • 📦 Layette for a newborn: provide your baby with the best start in life thanks to our carefully selected collection of layette products. From comfortable clothes to necessary care accessories, everything you need, you can find here: Layette for a newborn.
  • 🧩 Early -development toys: Stimulate your child's development from the first days of life. Discover toys that support the sensory and motor development of newborns: Early -development toys.
  • 🌟 Montessori toys: toys inspired by the Montessori method are the perfect choice for parents who want to support their child's natural curiosity and independence. Find them here: Montessori toys.
  • 📖 Cardboard books: Cardboard books are a great way to introduce the youngest into the world of literature. Rich in colorful illustrations, help in the development of sight and imagination: Cardboard books.

🛒 EXPERIENCE LIST FOR A newborn - necessary accessories

Disappearing for the newborn's coming to the world is not only an emotional, but also a practical stage in the life of every parent. To facilitate this task, the noses have prepared a comprehensive layette for a newborn baby. You will find all the necessary accessories that will help you in the first weeks and months of your baby's life. From clothes, through bath products, to educational toys - everything that is crucial for the safety and development of your child.

🌟Check ours A layette for a newborn And make sure you have everything necessary. Remember that a properly prepared layette is not only comfort for the baby, but also the peace of mind for you.

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