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The age of pregnancy. How long does pregnancy last? How to calculate the date of delivery?

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The great journey of future parents begins from the moment of conception. These are moments full of expectations, new questions, but usually also joy and good emotions. Many people wonder how to calculate how much pregnancy lasts correctly? How to present days, weeks, months, trimesters. How to calculate the exact date of delivery? In this blog post, we will try to dispel these doubts and share useful information about the age of pregnancy.

When does pregnancy start?

Pregnancy begins with the fertilization of the egg through the sperm. This usually happens during ovulation, i.e. around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

How long does pregnancy last?

The pregnancy lasts on average 40 weeks. This is calculated from the moment of fertilization, but for many women it is difficult to determine, which is why this period is most often given from the first day of the last menstruation. This is an approximate time because the duration of pregnancy may differ from different women.

How to count days and weeks during pregnancy?

To calculate the age of pregnancy, you must add the right number of days from the first day of the last menstruation. It has been widely assumed that pregnancy lasts 280 days from that moment, which corresponds to 40 weeks. You can also use different Pregnancy calculators available online, which will accurately calculate this period.

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How does an ultrasound examination allow for the age of pregnancy?

Ultrasound, i.e. popular ultrasound, is one of the most precise ways to determine the age of pregnancy. During the examination, the doctor can measure the child's length and observe his development. This allows you to accurately determine in which week of pregnancy we are.

Pregnancy calculator. How to calculate the child's delivery date?

If you want to accurately calculate the date of delivery, you can use pregnancy calculator Available online in the noses store. Just provide the date of the first day of the last period and the calculator will give us the expected date of the child's birth. This is a very useful tool that allows you to better prepare for the birth of the baby.

The age of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last period and amounts to an average of 40 weeks. It can be accurately determined by ultrasound tests or the pregnancy calculator is used. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, which is why the date of delivery may differ slightly. However, it is worth following the child's development and enjoying every stage of this beautiful experience.


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