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The best bottle for a newborn, or what?

Najlepsza butelka dla noworodka, czyli jaka? - Noski Noski

The best bottle for a newborn, or what? 

What bottle will be the best for a newborn? What are the recommended bottles for babies? A bottle with free flow? Anti -colic? Imitating breast? As a new parent, you can be overwhelmed by the number of products in children's stores. There are hundreds of bottles on the market and it can be difficult for you to determine which of them is the best for your child. In this article we will describe a few things that are worth considering when choosing a bottle for a newborn baby. 

A bottle for a newborn

The best bottle for a newborn - what is important when choosing the first bottle?


A milk bottle for a newborn? Regardless of whether you have decided to breastfeed or replacement milk, your child may need a bottle - permanently or from time to time, e.g. when mom has to go to the doctor or go to a few days (work, medical treatments, taking medicine not allowed during breastfeeding). 

There are many things to consider when choosing a bottle for a newborn baby. Here are some of the most important factors to remember:

The shape of the pacifier 


What bottle teat for a newborn? Although you can find many different bottles on the market, at first most children cope with one type best - it is an anti -colic bottle for a newborn baby. Anti -colic bottles have a shape adapted to the child's mouth and reduce the risk of air choking. In this way, they limit the chances that an unpleasant and painful colic will appear. 

However, do not assume that this type will be the best in your case. The choice of a bottle should be based on observing the child's reaction to various types of teats. For example, if your child has signs of reflux or is prone to colic, you can choose an anti -colic bottle.


Anti -colic bottles for babies have a special structure to prevent air from getting into the stomach, while allowing milk flow. The flow rate of milk will be perfect if your anti -colic teat (sometimes referred to as a "ventilated pacifier") will also be a dynamic teat. The best anti -color bottle for a newborn is the one with free flow. 


The dynamic teat for the newborn will adapt the flow rate of milk to the needs of the newborn and the possibilities of its stomach. It will also be as faithfully as possible to imitate the flow rate of milk during breastfeeding. 

You heat to milk for a newborn


The best bottle for a baby? The benefits of using anti -colic bottles with a dynamic pacifier include:

  • Reduced risk of colic due to trapped air in the stomach.
  • Reduced amount of painful bloating and reflux that may result from trapped air in the stomach.
  • Better preparation of the mouth for later development: food skills from a teaspoon, biting, etc.
  • Supporting the correct bite.
  • Easier to take place because the milk flows faster than the air through the teat.

What bottle capacity will be the best to start with?




What size of a bottle for a newborn? It is suggested that the capacity of the bottle for the newborn should be 80-125 ml. After completing the third month, you can change to a larger bottle: 200-250 ml. After the first birthday, if you are still planning milk feeding, it can be a large bottle above 250 ml. 


Does this mean that every newborn baby will drink 125 ml with every feeding? NO! According to the data, the newborn baby drinks about 45-90 milliliters of fluid for 2-3 hours. If you give your mother's milk from a bottle, your child may need a smaller amount, but more often or in the lower or upper limit of the results given. If you feed a mixture for a newborn baby, you can be guided by the guidelines on the packaging, but also do not treat them zero. The best way to assess whether the child is eating properly is to observe weight gain according to percentile nets. 


If you feed your child with a mixture, you need to choose a larger capacity bottle than the one intended for mother's milk. The formula contains more nutrients than mother milk and needs room for extension during heating. If you use a powder or liquid concentrate in a smaller capacity bottles, there will be no enough space to expand it when heating in a bottle. This can cause, for example, burns in the child's mouth, as well as constipation due to lack of air in the intestines caused by too much modified milk consumed at once.



Which bottle is the best for a newborn? The pacifier should be soft and flexible. For this reason, we recommend you silicone and rubber teats (latex teats). The teat for a newborn should also have holes that regulate the air supply to the bottle so that the child receives its sufficient air during feeding and does not asleep when trying to take more breath. The shape should be easy to capture and hold by the child.


We write more later in the further part of the article about what material the milk container can be made. 

Baby milk bottle




What first bottle for a newborn? The pacifier and the first bottle should have the possible structure as possible, so few parts that may fall off during use. This will reduce the risk of choking or injury if some part breaks down and gets stuck in the child's throat or mouth.

The bottle should have a non -slip base or handle so that it does not slip out of the hand during feeding.




When choosing a bottle for babies, look for one with a wide neck so that you can pour the formula or mother's milk without spilling any bottle from top while pouring. This will also make cleaning of the mess will be much easier, because there are no residues at the top of the bottle of spilled liquid inside.


A plastic or glass bottle for a newborn?


What kind of material? Glass or plastic? Or maybe silicone? Some bottles are made of glass or BPA -free plastic, others from silicone. The glass bottles are usually heavier than plastic, but they are also easier to clean, because they do not have gaps in which milk may get stuck (which can happen with some styles of plastic bottles). Some parents prefer plastic bottles because they keep their milk better; Others prefer glass because it does not stop smells like plastic. Silicone bottles are popular because they are flexible and easy to capture, but they have one serious disadvantage: they are easily cracking if they are dropped to the floor.

Baby milk bottle


Narrow versus a wide feeding bottle - which to decide?


The width of the bottle is mainly important when it comes to the comfort of holding by a parent, although some manufacturers recommend choosing a narrow feeding bottle for newborns with low birth weight. Sometimes it happens that the same teat model is available in a set with two types of milk containers, which gives the parent the opportunity to choose a solution that works better. 


Type of pacifier in the bottle - which one to choose at the beginning?


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding to about 6 months of age. This method is considered a natural, supporting immune system, proper development of the mouth and bite, reducing the tendency to allergies. Recommendations are one thing and life is another. Sometimes a bottle is the only way out, and sometimes a conscious choice to which the parent has a total right. If you are looking for a quality bottle for a newborn baby, at the beginning it is best to put on a teat, which reproduces the mother's breast as faithfully as possible. Its shape and functions - suction method, food flow. Such a bottle will be the anti -colic bottle with a dynamic teat, with a shape similar to the female nipple. For such a teat, the toddler will be able to suck in a natural and intuitively easy way, and this makes drinking much easier. 

Baby bottle

When may specialized feeding bottles be necessary?


Sometimes infants do not develop a correct way of sucking. Usually it is usually related to the anatomical structure of the toddler's mouth or its dysfunctions (e.g. cleft palate, short frenulum). In these cases, it is best to ask for hospital staff or a professional lactation advisor with experience in a narrow field, which are bottles for special tasks. 

How many feeding bottles for a newborn baby to buy?


If you plan to feed your child only with a bottle, the layette for a newborn should include two or three bottles for milk. Spare copies will be useful when one of the bottles is disinfected, damaged or lost. It is also worth having one bottle 

For milk for a newborn baby, sought for possible outputs (along with several portions of milk). It will give you greater freedom and confidence that you took everything you need with you, even if you packed quickly or under the pressure of a child's crying (often babies do not like to dress and brawls before leaving home is the norm). 


first bottle


Additional accessories for bottles that are worth having in the layette


The best bottles for newborns are one thing. The second thing is useful accessories that are worth having if you decide to use the bottle. If breastfeeding is the basic method of feeding your child to fill a bottle with milk, you will need a breast pump. You could write more than one book about adventures with breast pumps. The most common mistake of young mothers is the belief that a breastfed child pulls exactly as much milk as after pulling out is in the breast pump. It's not true! If you pull out little milk, it doesn't mean you have food problems. The child pulls milk much more efficiently than a breast pump, the presence of a small person also triggers with we have appropriate hormones that increase food production. A great solution is therefore pulling milk from the other breast, while feeding the child with a second. This solution plus lactation tea and should be decent. If not the first, it's the tenth time. Parenting is a valuable patience lesson! 


For the occasionally feeding parents, as well as those who decided on replacement milk, a special set for cleaning bottles will also be needed. It allows for precise cleaning of all corners in which the remains of milk could remain. Correct hygiene is a super important thing, especially in the case of newborn toddlers, whose immune system is delicate and still matures to deal with independently outside the mother's body. 


Additional gadgets useful when feeding children with a bottle of children will be special dryers for the baby bottle elements, as well as containers (basket for washing baby accessories in the dishwasher), which will allow you to separate smaller parts from other items that are packed into the dishwasher. If you want to remain active, also think about containers for a pull -out food or a mixture powder that you can take with you on your way. 

The milk heater is also a great thing. You can choose the one from Beaba, which does the job and at the same time looks brilliant - like an elegant coffee maker! 

Milk heating to baby

Let's not forget about the teat and its disinfection, which you can do always and anywhere, if you have access to boiling water or to the layette you will attach a UV device for immediate sterilization. 

teat sterilizer


The best bottle for a newborn - bottles for modified milk


For good baby bottles to drink milk, go to the noski noski store! You will find them in the section layette for a newborn

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