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Children change the world. Think about how much your life has changed under their influence. Now think about how much they can do when they grow up and gain even more strength, imagination, skills and knowledge. This is your gift for the world. Kim will become in the future also depends on what toys you will surround them now. This is the starting point for the creators of the B.Tays brand.

The Canadian brand was created when two friendly designers (and mothers, of course!) Joined forces with Battat, boasting their over 120-year-old toy history. Thanks to this cooperation, B.Tays can be found almost everywhere in the world today. B.Tys derives from this meeting by proposing toys growing from the experience of a modern parent, but respecting the respect for tradition. A set of a small doctor from B. Toys? Is! Rocking horse? - Or there is a unicorn? In B.Tys you will find all the toys you dreamed of in your childhood and a lot of those that probably never came to your mind. Well, who would think about the meowsic piano winning cat melodies or a container - a luxurious hotel for insect observation that you can take with you to the meadow?

"Our method? Some fun. A bit of love. A bit of mischief. Bully of happiness, "write the founders of the brand. These are the B.Tays toys. Inspiring. Colors. Wonderfully intuitive. Just funny!

And at the same time responsible for the planet. Designers make sure that they are permanent - thanks to which they can be recycled to the nicest possible, i.e. passed on. Toys do not contain harmful phthalates or BPA, and owe their stunning colors to ecological paints and dyes. B. Toys also have a slight crazy about packaging. It is not just that all of them are completely made of recycled materials and suitable for re -processing. Some will not get rid of some so quickly - they are so pretty that they easily transform into chests into children's treasures.

By buying B.Tys toys you support in Charity, a charity organization founded in 1995 in Toronto by an unusual 12-year-old who dreamed of helping children struggling with poverty, violence, lack of prospects, not having access to education. We have already built over 650 schools at various points of the globe. Because children change the world, right?