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Toys for a 6-month-old child

The 6th month of the child's life brings many revolutionary changes, such as sitting or diet expand. Toys for this age provide more stimuli and attractions. Sensory and motor toys, soft blocks, teethers and sound toys are great for a gift for half -year.

Half -year -old child

A six -month child learns quickly and is getting better at acquiring new information. A toddler aged 6 months old uses the senses much better. It is worth especially supporting the child's development and providing him with new stimuli during this period. This applies to both stimulation with accessories and toys, as well as new flavors.

A six -month -old toddler is able to grab items from handle to handle. He becomes more and more independent and tries to explore the world, crawling and sitting down. He notices that items have different shape and texture. It has favorite toys and is able to see their lack. Toys for a six -month -old child should therefore stimulate all the child's senses and develop cognitive, motor, communication and social skills.

Gifts for a six -month -old child

To hug

A six -month -old child begins to attach to objects. He has his favorite toys and is able to enforce their presence around him. So a good idea for a gift for a 6-month-old child are cuddly toys. Our store's offer includes a wide selection of this type of accessories that captivate the youngest with their original appearance. Noteworthy are Jellycat products - e.g. toast, lemon or strawberry cuddly toast.

For biting and rattling

A hit gift for a six -month -old child will certainly be all kinds of teethers and rattles. The six -month -old child is at the teething stage and it is worth taking care of its comfort at this time. Gryners available in our offer are characterized not only by high quality and health -safe materials, but also with an attractive look. Teether flower He also has a rattles from Innobaba. In addition to bringing a relief at aching and itchy gums, it also supports the development of lips, cheeks and tongue muscles. Its shape makes it easier to grip and move from hand to hand. The spreading sound stimulates the sense of hearing and encourages the child to play.

For learning and playing

Educational toys for a six -month -old child will allow him to develop already acquired skills and also allow you to learn new ones. Ball with sensory balls From B.Tys is a toy created for stimulation of the senses of sight, touch and hearing. Different textures and different colors make the bullet behave differently each time, providing the child with new sensory sensations.

To learn food and drink

A gift for half a year for both a boy and a girl can include accessories for learning to eat and drink. Half -year -old children begin to explore new flavors, and also learn to eat alone. Therefore, bibs, cups or plates can be a great gift. Our offer includes unique dishes from minikoioi, which are made of food silicone and have suction cups that prevent the plate or bowl from sliding.

A gift for a six -month -old boy or girl can also include soft activity books, rubber pacifiers or bath accessories.