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Babaryba: handles of handles

43,00 zł

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Read with gestures! Here is the author's new booklet "Handles of handle"- Herve Tulleta.

Swim flexibly like a fish, jump like a ball, frunie gently like a butterfly ... Hands to the rhythm of the author's instructions can do great things. Perfect reading for work and individual fun and in a group. The book can also be used in hand therapy (small motor skills) and speech therapy.

  • Age: 2+
  • Babaryba Publishing House
  • "Handles of handle", hard cover, 26 cm x 33.5 cm, 60 p.
  • Hervé Tullet text and illustrations

Babaryba: Pląsy rączki - Noski Noski

Babaryba: handles of handles

43,00 zł

Read with gestures! Here is the author's new booklet "Handles of handle"- Herve Tulleta.

Swim flexibly like a fish, jump like a ball, frunie gently like a butterfly ... Hands to the rhythm of the author's instructions can do great things. Perfect reading for work and individual fun and in a group. The book can also be used in hand therapy (small motor skills) and speech therapy.

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