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Babaryba: Turlututu magical adventures

29,00 zł

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Book about adventures Turlututu, i.e. a crazy hero, created with a line Herve Tulleta.

He was most famous for the world bestseller "Press me", But Each of his books distinguishes a fresh and thrillingly original approach. That is why every part of Turlutut's adventures is a lot of adventures, tasks and surprises. It provides small and large readers with good entertainment, encourages interaction, and children starting speaking draw in real dialogue. Live illustrations and intriguing tasks - this is something that characterizes the books about Turlutut.

  • Age: 3+
  • Babaryba Publishing House
  • "Turlututu magical adventures", hardback, 20 cm x 21 cm, 58 pages
  • Author: Herve Tullet
Babaryba: Turlututu Magiczne Przygody - Noski Noski

Babaryba: Turlututu magical adventures

29,00 zł

Book about adventures Turlututu, i.e. a crazy hero, created with a line Herve Tulleta.

He was most famous for the world bestseller "Press me", But Each of his books distinguishes a fresh and thrillingly original approach. That is why every part of Turlutut's adventures is a lot of adventures, tasks and surprises. It provides small and large readers with good entertainment, encourages interaction, and children starting speaking draw in real dialogue. Live illustrations and intriguing tasks - this is something that characterizes the books about Turlutut.

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