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Factory: a clogged mongrel

29,00 zł

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A pocket story about a dog who dreams of having a Lord ...

The Lord would love the dog and spoil the dog crisps ... For now, the mongrel lives in the trash, smells of sardines and looks a bit like a mop, and a bit like an old trodden rug. His adventures grab their hearts.

The book was beautifully illustrated by an excellent French graphic designer Marc Boutavant, creator of the world -famous Mukie bear and our beloved squirrel Edzia. Be sure to check Other parts of the series and Projector with slides.

  • Age: 7+
  • Wytwórnia Publishing House
  • Author: Colas Gutman
  • Illustrations: Marc Boutavant
  • Translation from French: Paweł Łapiński
  • "Spathed mongrel", hardback

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Wytwórnia: Zapchlony Kundel - Noski Noski

Factory: a clogged mongrel

29,00 zł

A pocket story about a dog who dreams of having a Lord ...

The Lord would love the dog and spoil the dog crisps ... For now, the mongrel lives in the trash, smells of sardines and looks a bit like a mop, and a bit like an old trodden rug. His adventures grab their hearts.

The book was beautifully illustrated by an excellent French graphic designer Marc Boutavant, creator of the world -famous Mukie bear and our beloved squirrel Edzia. Be sure to check Other parts of the series and Projector with slides.

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