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Factory: Museum. Pajamama

39,00 zł

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New Pajamama!

The fourth part of the boy's extraordinary journey in striped pajamas. This time the hero moves to the Museum of Art full of colors and designs. And it would not be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that in this book the illustrations are moving!

"Museum. Pajamorama "reaches for" ombro cinema " - a very old animation technique based on optical illusion. The attached stripped foil allows you to create the illusion of movement and revive illustrations. Just put the foil to the striped picture and move it very slowly from one edge of the page to another. This form is great for illustration of abstract, kinetic and op-art art, on the pages of the book you can also put in motion in the color stains of Pollock, geometric figures of Mondrian, sleepy dreams of Miór or Calder sculptures.

Also check: Other series books Pajamama.

  • Age: 2+
  • Wytwórnia Publishing House
  • Author: Bertrand Frederique, Michael Leblond
  • "Museum. Pajamorama ", 32.3 cm x 24 cm, soft luminaire


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Wytwórnia: Muzeum. Piżamorama - Noski Noski

Factory: Museum. Pajamama

39,00 zł

New Pajamama!

The fourth part of the boy's extraordinary journey in striped pajamas. This time the hero moves to the Museum of Art full of colors and designs. And it would not be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that in this book the illustrations are moving!

"Museum. Pajamorama "reaches for" ombro cinema " - a very old animation technique based on optical illusion. The attached stripped foil allows you to create the illusion of movement and revive illustrations. Just put the foil to the striped picture and move it very slowly from one edge of the page to another. This form is great for illustration of abstract, kinetic and op-art art, on the pages of the book you can also put in motion in the color stains of Pollock, geometric figures of Mondrian, sleepy dreams of Miór or Calder sculptures.

Also check: Other series books Pajamama.


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