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Our bookstore: poems practicing languages, i.e. speech therapy rhymes for children

43,00 zł

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Speech therapy exercises in a pleasant version.

Rhyme, read and told together with parents is a cheerful gymnastics and tongue. A beautifully illustrated book will interest and amuse toddlers, and by the way will work in the exercises of the correct pronunciation. This is a good reading for all children, not just those with speech therapy problems. The book also supports parents with professional information for parents.

The duo of the author Marta Galewska-Kustra and illustrator Joanna Kłos is known for the series beloved by the little ones and parents "Pucio".

  • Age: 4+
  • Nasz Księgarnia Publishing House
  • "Poems practicing languages, i.e. speech therapy rhymes for children", hardback, 16.5 cm x 21.5 cm, 128 p.
  • Authors: Marta Galewska-Kustra, Elżbieta and Witold Szwajkowscy
  • Illustrations: Joanna Kłos
Nasza Księgarnia: Wierszyki ćwiczące języki, czyli rymowanki logopedyczne dla dzieci - Noski Noski
Nasza Księgarnia

Our bookstore: poems practicing languages, i.e. speech therapy rhymes for children

43,00 zł

Speech therapy exercises in a pleasant version.

Rhyme, read and told together with parents is a cheerful gymnastics and tongue. A beautifully illustrated book will interest and amuse toddlers, and by the way will work in the exercises of the correct pronunciation. This is a good reading for all children, not just those with speech therapy problems. The book also supports parents with professional information for parents.

The duo of the author Marta Galewska-Kustra and illustrator Joanna Kłos is known for the series beloved by the little ones and parents "Pucio".

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