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Albi: Read the book with Albik. German dictionary

79,00 zł

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Interactive book - a lot of interesting pictures, expanded to include lyrics, games and sounds. A total of 5,000 recordings in one publication! Here is a great idea for learning German. In the book you will find over 1000 passwords, which have been divided into 11 thematic departments. By presenting words with pictures, their learning is even more pleasant and more effective. Native speakers will teach you correct pronunciation, and check and consolidate the acquired knowledge by solving quizzes.

To "read" the materials hidden on the pages of the book, you need an Albi pen, equipped with a special optical sensor and speaker. With its use, the child will locate additional information hidden on the pages (special codes) and recreate it as audio files. 

Reading an interactive spoken book is an extraordinary opportunity for a child to gain new knowledge and skills, also without the help of an adult. Albi books invite children to be delighted to read independently. Parents consider books from this series to be a brilliant alternative to tablets and smartphones. 

This is a book without a pen. The Albi pen is available separately in special sets. 

Read with Albik.

  • Age: 4+
  • Dimensions: 24 cm x 17.5 cm

Albi: książka Czytaj z Albikiem: Słownik Języka Niemieckiego - Noski Noski

Albi: Read the book with Albik. German dictionary

79,00 zł

Interactive book - a lot of interesting pictures, expanded to include lyrics, games and sounds. A total of 5,000 recordings in one publication! Here is a great idea for learning German. In the book you will find over 1000 passwords, which have been divided into 11 thematic departments. By presenting words with pictures, their learning is even more pleasant and more effective. Native speakers will teach you correct pronunciation, and check and consolidate the acquired knowledge by solving quizzes.

To "read" the materials hidden on the pages of the book, you need an Albi pen, equipped with a special optical sensor and speaker. With its use, the child will locate additional information hidden on the pages (special codes) and recreate it as audio files. 

Reading an interactive spoken book is an extraordinary opportunity for a child to gain new knowledge and skills, also without the help of an adult. Albi books invite children to be delighted to read independently. Parents consider books from this series to be a brilliant alternative to tablets and smartphones. 

This is a book without a pen. The Albi pen is available separately in special sets. 

Read with Albik.

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