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API PAPI: Great power in a small head. Mindfulness exercise book

31,00 zł 34,00 zł

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Workbook enabling children to deepen their knowledge about dealing with emotions and stress. Thanks to various relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, visualizations or simple meditations, children learn to focus, relax and find internal peace.

Inside there are almost 100 stickers that encourage and activate the child to perform subsequent exercises.

  • Age: 3+
  • API PAPI Publishing House
  • "Great power in a small head. Mindfulness exercise book ”, soft luminaire, 39 p.

Api Papi

API PAPI: Great power in a small head. Mindfulness exercise book

31,00 zł 34,00 zł

Workbook enabling children to deepen their knowledge about dealing with emotions and stress. Thanks to various relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, visualizations or simple meditations, children learn to focus, relax and find internal peace.

Inside there are almost 100 stickers that encourage and activate the child to perform subsequent exercises.

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