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APLI KIDS: Magnetic travel game ships

125,00 zł

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A classic magnetic shit game! 

The game consists of 2 cards for selecting shots and 2 washable markers. Ships are a great strategy game for the whole family. Packed in a durable cardboard box.

The game teaches logical thinking, perfectly practices perceptiveness and concentration, and its pocket size is perfect for traveling and on vacation.

  • Age: 5+
  • Number of players: 2
  • Included: 1 double -sided board, 16 magnetic submarines, 2 cards for selecting shots, 2 washable markers and game instructions
  • Packaging dimensions: 30.4 cm x 5 cm x 20.3 cm.
Apli Kids: magnetyczna gra podróżna Statki - Noski Noski
Apli Kids

APLI KIDS: Magnetic travel game ships

125,00 zł

A classic magnetic shit game! 

The game consists of 2 cards for selecting shots and 2 washable markers. Ships are a great strategy game for the whole family. Packed in a durable cardboard box.

The game teaches logical thinking, perfectly practices perceptiveness and concentration, and its pocket size is perfect for traveling and on vacation.

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