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Baby Stella Peach Manhattan Toy doll's plush doll

130,00 zł

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Baby Stella's doll with a light brown tuft of hair has realistic fingers, navel and plump tummy. Embroidered elements give her faces of charm. In addition, a detachable outfit and diaper encourage you to play with dressing up. Magnetic teat is an additional, interesting element. This is the perfect first doll for young children that helps in supporting motor development.

Dimensions: 38 x 20 x 10 cm

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Manhattan Toy

Baby Stella Peach Manhattan Toy doll's plush doll

130,00 zł

Baby Stella's doll with a light brown tuft of hair has realistic fingers, navel and plump tummy. Embroidered elements give her faces of charm. In addition, a detachable outfit and diaper encourage you to play with dressing up. Magnetic teat is an additional, interesting element. This is the perfect first doll for young children that helps in supporting motor development.

Dimensions: 38 x 20 x 10 cm

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