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Buki: Electronic Junior electronics expert

135,00 zł

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A small electronics set - discover the electrifying world of physical experience!

Electronic Junior is as many as 20 simple circuits electric is mounting, without the need for soldering. In the box you will find all the necessary components and the user manual with which you will submit electric teams on the console, which will allow you to carry out such experiences as voice commands, start propeller, learning the Morse alphabet, etc.

  • Age: 8+
  • Dimensions: 37 cm x 8 cm x 29 cm
Buki: ekspert elektroniki Electronic Junior - Noski Noski

Buki: Electronic Junior electronics expert

135,00 zł

A small electronics set - discover the electrifying world of physical experience!

Electronic Junior is as many as 20 simple circuits electric is mounting, without the need for soldering. In the box you will find all the necessary components and the user manual with which you will submit electric teams on the console, which will allow you to carry out such experiences as voice commands, start propeller, learning the Morse alphabet, etc.

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