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Clinic K: Secret History of Human Socks

37,00 zł 45,00 zł

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Is! Here is the fifth part of the best -selling series with the amazing adventures of ten socks 

This time you will find that a visit to the museum (of course with socks) can be as exciting as a flight to space, meeting dinosaurs or getting an autograph of a beloved author ...

The adventures of socks have gained many fans around the world. They were translated into many languages ​​and went to the canon of school reading. The first part won the award in the Competition and Dot competition and the Literary Award of the Capital City of Warsaw. No wonder - author Justyna Bednarek without a box It combines valuable content describing life rules with a language -friendly language. Beautiful, colorful illustrations have certainly applied to the success of this series of books. A great proposition for children starting to read independently.

  • Age: 5+
  • Publishing House of Clinic K
  • Author: Justyna Bednarek
  • Illustrations: Daniel de Latour
  • "Secret history of human socks", hardback, 17 cm x 24 cm, 184 p.
Poradnia K: Sekretna historia ludz skarpetek - Noski Noski
Poradnia K

Clinic K: Secret History of Human Socks

37,00 zł 45,00 zł

Is! Here is the fifth part of the best -selling series with the amazing adventures of ten socks 

This time you will find that a visit to the museum (of course with socks) can be as exciting as a flight to space, meeting dinosaurs or getting an autograph of a beloved author ...

The adventures of socks have gained many fans around the world. They were translated into many languages ​​and went to the canon of school reading. The first part won the award in the Competition and Dot competition and the Literary Award of the Capital City of Warsaw. No wonder - author Justyna Bednarek without a box It combines valuable content describing life rules with a language -friendly language. Beautiful, colorful illustrations have certainly applied to the success of this series of books. A great proposition for children starting to read independently.

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