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Drinks: Snoozedz Bert car cover

21,00 zł

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Overlay for the seat belt was created to provide children with comfort while driving a car.

The strap has a handy pocket for a music player, and a special grip drink handle allows you to always have sunglasses or your favorite blanket on hand.

  • Age: 3+
  • Dimensions: 25 cm x 2 cm x 10 cm
  • Velcro fastener
Trunki: nakładka na pas samochodowy Snoozihedz Bert - Noski Noski

Drinks: Snoozedz Bert car cover

21,00 zł

Overlay for the seat belt was created to provide children with comfort while driving a car.

The strap has a handy pocket for a music player, and a special grip drink handle allows you to always have sunglasses or your favorite blanket on hand.

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