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Egmont Publishing House: Basia and Summer Pod Dog

38,00 zł

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Here is the real novel with Basia in the lead role.

The heroine of the sensational series of books goes on vacation. Under the tent. She is cheerful under the dog ... And so the adventurous story begins, which to the last card reads with baking on the face.

  • Age: 6+
  • Egmont Publisher
  • Author: Zofia Stanecka
  • Illustrations: Marianna Oklejak
  • "Basia and summer under the dog", 14.8 cm x 21 cm, hardback, 160 p.

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Wydawnictwo Egmont: Basia i lato pod psem - Noski Noski
Wydawnictwo Egmont

Egmont Publishing House: Basia and Summer Pod Dog

38,00 zł

Here is the real novel with Basia in the lead role.

The heroine of the sensational series of books goes on vacation. Under the tent. She is cheerful under the dog ... And so the adventurous story begins, which to the last card reads with baking on the face.

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