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Egmont Publishing House: Hilda and Hidden

36,00 zł

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The story of Hilda in a book form. To read.

This is the first part of the cycle based on the animated Netflix series, which in turn is based on a series of comics by Luke Persona. The story of a blue -haired adventurer is full of humor, twists and unusual creatures from this and not from this earth. This time, Hilda meets hidden and giants, discovers the properties of the troll saliva and the power of the bell.

A book full of humor will appeal to younger and older readers. Written in a light language, it is suitable for independent reading for lovers of adventure stories. #comic book

  • Age: 8+
  • Egmont Publisher
  • "Hild and hidden", soft luminaire, 14.8 cm x 21 cm, 176 p.
  • Author: Stephen Davies
  • Illustrator: Seaerra Miller
  • Translation: Marcin Wróbel

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Wydawnictwo Egmont: Hilda i Ukryjcy - Noski Noski
Wydawnictwo Egmont

Egmont Publishing House: Hilda and Hidden

36,00 zł

The story of Hilda in a book form. To read.

This is the first part of the cycle based on the animated Netflix series, which in turn is based on a series of comics by Luke Persona. The story of a blue -haired adventurer is full of humor, twists and unusual creatures from this and not from this earth. This time, Hilda meets hidden and giants, discovers the properties of the troll saliva and the power of the bell.

A book full of humor will appeal to younger and older readers. Written in a light language, it is suitable for independent reading for lovers of adventure stories. #comic book

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