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Egmont Publishing House: Mythology. The adventures of Slavic gods

49,00 zł

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Not Greek, not Roman, but Slavic! The breathtaking mythology from the areas from which our ancestors come from. How did they imagine the beginning of the world, man? What was their "world of the world"? Discover the extraordinary stories and wonderful images, expanding the narrative of the book. 

Mythology. The adventures of Slavic gods are an interesting book, addictive and having unique artistic values. It will certainly become an inspiration for many school projects. 

  • Age: 7+
  • Egmont Publisher
  • Mythology. The adventures of Slavic gods", Hardback, 24.5 cm x 27.5 cm, 80 pp.
  • Text:  Melania hat 
  • Illustrations: Ewa Poklewska-Koziełło

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Wydawnictwo Egmont: Mitologia. Przygody słowiańskich bogów - Noski Noski
Wydawnictwo Egmont

Egmont Publishing House: Mythology. The adventures of Slavic gods

49,00 zł

Not Greek, not Roman, but Slavic! The breathtaking mythology from the areas from which our ancestors come from. How did they imagine the beginning of the world, man? What was their "world of the world"? Discover the extraordinary stories and wonderful images, expanding the narrative of the book. 

Mythology. The adventures of Slavic gods are an interesting book, addictive and having unique artistic values. It will certainly become an inspiration for many school projects. 

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