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Factory: Edzio and Friends. Edzio and the spirit of the forest.

33,00 zł

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The peaceful sleep of the inhabitants of Polana is interrupted by a loud knocking. Following the noise, Miś Antoni, Puchacz Jerzy and the Wiewiórka Edzio discover the strange booth on the River. This is a new house of Jacek's cat. The problem is that the residence stood in the place of the old willow. Edzio and his friends rub their eyes in amazement. Did the cat Jacek cut out a tree? And he still says it's a spirit of modernity and progress?

Edzia's friends will find a way and an ally in bad weather to make him aware that life according to the nature and spirit of the forest is modernity. This is the seventh part of the story of Edzia and his friends. 

The favorite series about Edziu's books was beautifully illustrated by the excellent French graphic designer Marc Boutavant, creator of the world -famous Muko teddy bear.

  • Age: 3+
  • Wytwórnia Publishing House
  • Author: Astrid Desborades, Marc Boutavant
  • "Edzio and friends. Edzio and the Spirit of the Forest ”, 21 cm x 27 cm, hardback, 24 p.


Wytwórnia: Edzio i przyjaciele. Edzio i duch lasu. - Noski Noski

Factory: Edzio and Friends. Edzio and the spirit of the forest.

33,00 zł

The peaceful sleep of the inhabitants of Polana is interrupted by a loud knocking. Following the noise, Miś Antoni, Puchacz Jerzy and the Wiewiórka Edzio discover the strange booth on the River. This is a new house of Jacek's cat. The problem is that the residence stood in the place of the old willow. Edzio and his friends rub their eyes in amazement. Did the cat Jacek cut out a tree? And he still says it's a spirit of modernity and progress?

Edzia's friends will find a way and an ally in bad weather to make him aware that life according to the nature and spirit of the forest is modernity. This is the seventh part of the story of Edzia and his friends. 

The favorite series about Edziu's books was beautifully illustrated by the excellent French graphic designer Marc Boutavant, creator of the world -famous Muko teddy bear.


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