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Factory: What's up?

33,00 zł

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The book opens children to melodies and rhythms, explains music related concepts and shows that sounds can be found everywhere.

The Musical World of Small Readers is run by the family of the Alleggrich state, whose everyday life is an endless concert. Reading "What's up?" This is a good way to interest children in sounds and a pleasant introduction to music education.

  • Age: 6+
  • Wytwórnia Publishing House
  • "What's up?", Hard luminaire, 23 cm x 28 cm, 52 p.
  • Author: Anna Czerwińska-Rydel
  • Graphic projects: Monika Hanulak, Małgorzata Gurowska
Wytwórnia: Co słychać? - Noski Noski

Factory: What's up?

33,00 zł

The book opens children to melodies and rhythms, explains music related concepts and shows that sounds can be found everywhere.

The Musical World of Small Readers is run by the family of the Alleggrich state, whose everyday life is an endless concert. Reading "What's up?" This is a good way to interest children in sounds and a pleasant introduction to music education.

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