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Miquelrius: Curling arcade game

99,00 zł

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Mini version of the Miquelrius curling game. Just develop the board, divide into two teams and aim with a round stone (pawn) as close to the house (wheels with rims). Each player has 2 chances to throw a stone at the middle of the game, as close as possible. The team that scores more points depending on the closeness of the house wins.

  • Age: 6+
  • Number of players: 2-8
  • Dimensions of the pitch: 120 x 27.8 cm
  • Packaging dimensions: 37 cm x 7 cm x 7 cm

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Miquelrius: Curling arcade game

99,00 zł

Mini version of the Miquelrius curling game. Just develop the board, divide into two teams and aim with a round stone (pawn) as close to the house (wheels with rims). Each player has 2 chances to throw a stone at the middle of the game, as close as possible. The team that scores more points depending on the closeness of the house wins.

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