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Natula: Difficulty eating in children and teenagers

55,00 zł

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The book "Difficulties with eating ..." is a guide on how to cope when food is a source of worries: "My child eats too little", "My child eats too much", "My child eats somehow strange ..."

It also shows what food really is - it is not only providing power to the body, but also a wonderful (and sometimes difficult) tool for building interpersonal ties.

This book will tell you how to teach children relationships with food. He will support you in a situation where you face nutrition neophobia as well as diseases and dysfunction, including anorexia or bulimia. The author also indicates when and to which specialist to go for advice and help.

  • NATULI Publishing House
  • "Eating difficulties in children and teenagers", hardback, 300 p.
  • Author: Agata Dutkiewicz

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Natuli: Trudności z jedzeniem u dzieci i nastolatków - Noski Noski

Natula: Difficulty eating in children and teenagers

55,00 zł

The book "Difficulties with eating ..." is a guide on how to cope when food is a source of worries: "My child eats too little", "My child eats too much", "My child eats somehow strange ..."

It also shows what food really is - it is not only providing power to the body, but also a wonderful (and sometimes difficult) tool for building interpersonal ties.

This book will tell you how to teach children relationships with food. He will support you in a situation where you face nutrition neophobia as well as diseases and dysfunction, including anorexia or bulimia. The author also indicates when and to which specialist to go for advice and help.

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