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Neno: Pouches with adapter for freezing and storage of food 20 pcs.

39,00 zł

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Discover a new dimension of convenience with an innovative Neno breast pump adapter! It's easier than you think - the adapter has been designed for the needs of modern mothers, enabling quick, hygienic food removal directly to the bag. Forget about the need to disinfect bottles and tiring overflow! Thanks to the use of Twist Off technology, this small but revolutionary gadget not only provides the highest level of hygiene, but also significantly facilitates the entire food storage process. Ideal for busy parents who value comfort and safety.

Choose an adapter for Neno breast pump and join the group of satisfied parents who value comfort, safety and innovation. Let every moment spent with your baby be full of joy, not additional responsibilities. Order today!

  • The kit includes: 20 pcs with nuts and an adapter
  • Capacity: 150 ml
  • The bags allow you to store the collected food in the freezer from up to 3 to 6 months at temperatures from -18 to -20 ° C
  • They have a special place to write the date of pulling the milk, with the time and name of mom or her child. In addition, there is a measure on it, which facilitates accurate measurement of the amount of milk poured into the bag

Neno: woreczki z adapterem do mrożenia i przechowywania pokarmu 20 szt. - Noski Noski

Neno: Pouches with adapter for freezing and storage of food 20 pcs.

39,00 zł

Discover a new dimension of convenience with an innovative Neno breast pump adapter! It's easier than you think - the adapter has been designed for the needs of modern mothers, enabling quick, hygienic food removal directly to the bag. Forget about the need to disinfect bottles and tiring overflow! Thanks to the use of Twist Off technology, this small but revolutionary gadget not only provides the highest level of hygiene, but also significantly facilitates the entire food storage process. Ideal for busy parents who value comfort and safety.

Choose an adapter for Neno breast pump and join the group of satisfied parents who value comfort, safety and innovation. Let every moment spent with your baby be full of joy, not additional responsibilities. Order today!

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