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Olesiejuk Publishing House: My first Dictionary Montessori

37,00 zł

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1000 words and expressions of the Polish language on the pages of the Montessori dictionary.

The vocabulary was chosen for children from the age of six. The meaning of the words was given in a simple, understandable way and often enriched with examples of use in specific sentences. The dictionary also includes 30 thematic drawing boards, thanks to which the child will expand and organize his knowledge of the world. Lots of colorful illustrations make using the dictionary a real pleasure for a child. An additional attraction is the insert in the form of a notebook with cardboard boxes, on which the words for cutting are placed to complete the words in the dictionary synonyms, antonyms and expressions.

  • Age: 6+
  • Olesiejuk Publishing House
  • "My first Montessori dictionary", collective study, 224 p.

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    Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk

    Olesiejuk Publishing House: My first Dictionary Montessori

    37,00 zł

    1000 words and expressions of the Polish language on the pages of the Montessori dictionary.

    The vocabulary was chosen for children from the age of six. The meaning of the words was given in a simple, understandable way and often enriched with examples of use in specific sentences. The dictionary also includes 30 thematic drawing boards, thanks to which the child will expand and organize his knowledge of the world. Lots of colorful illustrations make using the dictionary a real pleasure for a child. An additional attraction is the insert in the form of a notebook with cardboard boxes, on which the words for cutting are placed to complete the words in the dictionary synonyms, antonyms and expressions.

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