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Olesiejuk Publishing House: My little world. First words. At the doctor

12,00 zł

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Cardboard, endured the first book to learn words. This time we practice words that will be useful during a doctor's visit! 

Joint reading supports toddlers' speech and communication skills. He also raises sympathy for books in children, which in the future will result in greater imagination, creativity and knowledge. 

  • Age: 12 m+
  • Olesiejuk Publishing House
  •  „My little world. First words. At the doctor, hardback, 16 cm x 16 cm, 12 p. 
  • Author: Anna Simeone
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Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk

Olesiejuk Publishing House: My little world. First words. At the doctor

12,00 zł

Cardboard, endured the first book to learn words. This time we practice words that will be useful during a doctor's visit! 

Joint reading supports toddlers' speech and communication skills. He also raises sympathy for books in children, which in the future will result in greater imagination, creativity and knowledge. 

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