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OOLY: Double -sided felt -tip pens with Confetti Stamp stamps

59,00 zł

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Draw, color, stamp, create!

Thanks to bilateral felt -tip pens with stamps, your works will gain a unique character. 9 expressive colors and 3 stamp patterns - heart, star and circle. They are ideal for decorating artistic work, laurels or invitations. 

  • Age: 6+
  • Included: 9 double -sided markers

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Ooly: dwustronne flamastry ze stempelkami Confetti Stamp - Noski Noski

OOLY: Double -sided felt -tip pens with Confetti Stamp stamps

59,00 zł

Draw, color, stamp, create!

Thanks to bilateral felt -tip pens with stamps, your works will gain a unique character. 9 expressive colors and 3 stamp patterns - heart, star and circle. They are ideal for decorating artistic work, laurels or invitations. 

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