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Påhoj: an additional bicycle adapter

299,00 zł

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Additional bicycle adapter Påhoj It is an ideal solution for families who want to conveniently use the Påhoj bicycle seat on various bicycles. Thanks to this practical accessory, the transfer of the seat from one bike to another becomes fast, easy and safe. The adapter is designed to ensure maximum comfort and safety during everyday bicycle rides with a child.

  • Black colour
  • Installation on the bicycle frame: Yes
  • Permissible diameter of the bicycle frame: round shape of the frame with a diameter of 28 to 40 cmm.
  • Maximum trunk width: 17 cm
  • Attention! Do not mount the carbon fiber frame
  • Maximum load: 22 kg
  • Adapter weight: 2 kg
  • Material: steel, aluminum, stainless steel
  • Compliance with EN14344

Påhoj: an additional bicycle adapter

299,00 zł

Additional bicycle adapter Påhoj It is an ideal solution for families who want to conveniently use the Påhoj bicycle seat on various bicycles. Thanks to this practical accessory, the transfer of the seat from one bike to another becomes fast, easy and safe. The adapter is designed to ensure maximum comfort and safety during everyday bicycle rides with a child.

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