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Poma: doll bathtub

109,00 zł

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Bath time!

Doll bathtub from the collection Pose It has a shell shape and a pumped bird -shaped shower. The hose and bird can be dismantled to easily clean it.

The bathtub is suitable for dolls from 30 to 36 cm. Dolls are great for bathing: Olive and Prune.

  • Age: 3+
  • Dimensions of the bathtub: 36 cm x 14 cm x 23 cm
  • Dolls and clothes are sold separately
Pomea: wanienka dla lalki - Noski Noski

Poma: doll bathtub

109,00 zł

Bath time!

Doll bathtub from the collection Pose It has a shell shape and a pumped bird -shaped shower. The hose and bird can be dismantled to easily clean it.

The bathtub is suitable for dolls from 30 to 36 cm. Dolls are great for bathing: Olive and Prune.

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