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Poma: travel suitcase for a doll bird

139,00 zł

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Pack your beloved doll.

A suitcase from the collection Pose It will accommodate clothes and accessories needed while traveling. It consists of a capacityHey chambers and three pockets with an elastic band. It is light, handy and comfortable. On a business card attached to the handle, you can write the name of the doll.

  • Age: 3+
  • Suitcase dimensions: 32 cm x 22 cm x 8 cm
  • Packaging dimensions: 33 cm x 23 cm x 3 cm
  • Dolls and clothes are sold separately
Pomea: walizka podróżna dla lalki Ptaszek - Noski Noski

Poma: travel suitcase for a doll bird

139,00 zł

Pack your beloved doll.

A suitcase from the collection Pose It will accommodate clothes and accessories needed while traveling. It consists of a capacityHey chambers and three pockets with an elastic band. It is light, handy and comfortable. On a business card attached to the handle, you can write the name of the doll.

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