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Publisher Sam: Great Book of Farm. Four Seasons

49,00 zł

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The book is devoted to life and work on the farm, so you will find a lot of interesting information and illustrations related to this topic. Tractors, animals and many other interesting elements will certainly interest young readers. Large, panoramic illustrations and detailed pictures encourage you to watch long, as well as call every detail and telling stories.

The book also contains searches that will probably become children's favorite fun and will often come back to them. What's more, the whole year on the farm was presented in this book, from sowing to the first snow, which will allow young readers to get to know and understand the life cycle in the countryside better.

Our book is also Montessori-Friendly, which means that it is created with a view to developing the child's creativity and curiosity, which is very important in the educational process.

  • Sam publishing house
  • "Great Book of Farm. Four seasons ”, hardback, 25.5 cm x 38 cm, 16 p. 
  • Text: Christina Braun
  • Illustrations: Sebastian Coenen
  • Translation: Anita and Robert Jonczyk
Wydawnictwo Sam: Wielka księga gospodarstwa. Cztery pory roku - Noski Noski
Wydawnictwo Sam

Publisher Sam: Great Book of Farm. Four Seasons

49,00 zł

The book is devoted to life and work on the farm, so you will find a lot of interesting information and illustrations related to this topic. Tractors, animals and many other interesting elements will certainly interest young readers. Large, panoramic illustrations and detailed pictures encourage you to watch long, as well as call every detail and telling stories.

The book also contains searches that will probably become children's favorite fun and will often come back to them. What's more, the whole year on the farm was presented in this book, from sowing to the first snow, which will allow young readers to get to know and understand the life cycle in the countryside better.

Our book is also Montessori-Friendly, which means that it is created with a view to developing the child's creativity and curiosity, which is very important in the educational process.

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