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Publisher Sam: Today, tomorrow, now, right away

39,00 zł

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One of the biggest challenges of children is to understand the functioning of an adult world and such an abstract concept as time.

What does it mean now, and when is it right now? Why do we sometimes have to hurry? Why do you sometimes have to wait for your turn? What do we do every day, and what only on individual days, months or season? What are the names of the week? When will the birthday or holiday finally be? When can you put on a short sleeve, and when is a scarf and hat?

Learning patience, routine and healthy habits help to find yourself in everyday life. A book that is a great tool in the hands of parents and educators. And numerous windows and practical examples help children understand ... the world.

  • Sam publishing house
  • "Today, tomorrow, now," hardback, 18 x 20 cm, 16 p. 
  • Text: Daniela Prusse
  • Illustrations: Susanne six
  • Translation: Anita and Robert Jonczyk
Wydawnictwo Sam: Dzisiaj, jutro, teraz, zaraz - Noski Noski
Wydawnictwo Sam

Publisher Sam: Today, tomorrow, now, right away

39,00 zł

One of the biggest challenges of children is to understand the functioning of an adult world and such an abstract concept as time.

What does it mean now, and when is it right now? Why do we sometimes have to hurry? Why do you sometimes have to wait for your turn? What do we do every day, and what only on individual days, months or season? What are the names of the week? When will the birthday or holiday finally be? When can you put on a short sleeve, and when is a scarf and hat?

Learning patience, routine and healthy habits help to find yourself in everyday life. A book that is a great tool in the hands of parents and educators. And numerous windows and practical examples help children understand ... the world.

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