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Publishing House Sam: A child in my mother's stomach

44,00 zł

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When raising a child, a moment will come when you have to talk to him about how children are created. Usually, the toddler begins to wonder where he came from or asks what the difference between boys and girls means. Sometimes situations such as waiting for the birth of siblings or the pregnancy of his favorite aunt encourage him to do so. How to satisfy your child's curiosity? This should always be done with respect for his readiness and borders.

You can reach for this story, which satisfies natural children's interest, and for a parent is a tool for conducting conversations about the real origin of children. However, the book "A child in the belly" offers much more than just that.

The texts are adapted to the age of children, written in an empathic manner and present the topics of reproduction, pregnancy and birth. A warm story combined with substantive content and realistic illustrations. The book was developed by a doctor - mother, and is a beautiful and moving educational book for the whole family.

  • Sam publishing house
  • "Child in my mother's stomach", tWard, luminaire, 23 cm x 30 cm, 40 p.
  • Text: Anna Herzog
  • Illustrations: Joëlle Tourlonias
  • Translation: Anita and Robert Jonczyk
Wydawnictwo Sam

Publishing House Sam: A child in my mother's stomach

44,00 zł

When raising a child, a moment will come when you have to talk to him about how children are created. Usually, the toddler begins to wonder where he came from or asks what the difference between boys and girls means. Sometimes situations such as waiting for the birth of siblings or the pregnancy of his favorite aunt encourage him to do so. How to satisfy your child's curiosity? This should always be done with respect for his readiness and borders.

You can reach for this story, which satisfies natural children's interest, and for a parent is a tool for conducting conversations about the real origin of children. However, the book "A child in the belly" offers much more than just that.

The texts are adapted to the age of children, written in an empathic manner and present the topics of reproduction, pregnancy and birth. A warm story combined with substantive content and realistic illustrations. The book was developed by a doctor - mother, and is a beautiful and moving educational book for the whole family.

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