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Publishing House Sam: It's all a family!

44,00 zł

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This great book for children "Families around the world" talks about the diversity of families and shows that each of them is unique. Children will learn many family models, from traditional ones to somewhat unusual ones, such as foster, adoptive, patchwork or rainbow families. The book presents various life situations with which children can meet, such as divorce, death of one of the parents or a difficult period of passage after adoption. All this in a beautiful form, with interesting illustrations and in an accessible way that will allow the child to understand that every family is unique and it is worth respecting. This is a great position for children who are beginning to be interested in the differences between people and their cultures.

  • Sam publishing house
  • "It's all a family!", Hard luminaire, 22 cm x 26.5 cm, 32 p. 
  • Text: Alexandra Maxeiner
  • Illustrations: Anke Kuhl
  • Translation: Katarzyna Weintraub
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Wydawnictwo Sam

Publishing House Sam: It's all a family!

44,00 zł

This great book for children "Families around the world" talks about the diversity of families and shows that each of them is unique. Children will learn many family models, from traditional ones to somewhat unusual ones, such as foster, adoptive, patchwork or rainbow families. The book presents various life situations with which children can meet, such as divorce, death of one of the parents or a difficult period of passage after adoption. All this in a beautiful form, with interesting illustrations and in an accessible way that will allow the child to understand that every family is unique and it is worth respecting. This is a great position for children who are beginning to be interested in the differences between people and their cultures.

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