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Publishing House Sam: We get to know construction vehicles

59,00 zł

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"We get to know construction vehicles" is a fun and educational book for children who love cars and working machines. Excavators, fighting, cranes and such-such :) The authors of this book have prepared a fascinating journey through the world of construction, which will definitely interest every child.

This book contains a lot of illustrations, curiosities and windows to discover. On the pages of the book you will find answers to the questions: JAK vehicles go to the construction site, JAkie there are types of cranes and what you can do with them, j AK drills the tunnel in the rock and Are pipes in the ground? And many others! 🚧

  • Age: 3+
  • Sam publishing house
  • "We get to know construction vehicles", hardback, 24.5 x 27.8 cm, 16 p. 
  • Text: Andrea Erne
  • Illustrations: Markus Humbach
  • Translation: Anita and Robert Jonczyk
Wydawnictwo Sam

Publishing House Sam: We get to know construction vehicles

59,00 zł

"We get to know construction vehicles" is a fun and educational book for children who love cars and working machines. Excavators, fighting, cranes and such-such :) The authors of this book have prepared a fascinating journey through the world of construction, which will definitely interest every child.

This book contains a lot of illustrations, curiosities and windows to discover. On the pages of the book you will find answers to the questions: JAK vehicles go to the construction site, JAkie there are types of cranes and what you can do with them, j AK drills the tunnel in the rock and Are pipes in the ground? And many others! 🚧

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