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Publishing House Sam: We get to know the hospital

59,00 zł

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"We get to know the hospital" is an educational book for children full of curiosities. For children who At the doctor, they have to do some examination, surgery or they have already landed on ... SOR - this reading will help to learn more about the hospital. 

MThe niches of detailed illustrations and windows to discover will add attractiveness to reading.

  • Age: 3+
  • Sam publishing house
  • "We get to know the hospital", hardback, 24.5 x 27.8 cm, 16 p. 
  • Text: Andrea Erne
  • Illustrations: Marion Kreimeyer-Visse
  • Translation: Anita and Robert Jonczyk

Wydawnictwo Sam

Publishing House Sam: We get to know the hospital

59,00 zł

"We get to know the hospital" is an educational book for children full of curiosities. For children who At the doctor, they have to do some examination, surgery or they have already landed on ... SOR - this reading will help to learn more about the hospital. 

MThe niches of detailed illustrations and windows to discover will add attractiveness to reading.

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