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Toadstool: water

47,00 zł

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Water is life. You can read about how it was created and where we will find it in this curiosity book.

Every day we drink water, eat products that contain it, wash it, use it in agriculture and industry. Do you know what percentage of your body water is? And how much water is needed to make a chocolate or hamburger plate? Reading shows How much depends on the water and how you can care for it. Everyone who reaches for a well -written, wonderfully illustrated book will find out. 

Muchomor of the Wiatr Publishing House will appeal to school children and will be a creative help in learning nature, biology and geography.

  • Age: 8+
  • Publisher: Muchomor
  • "Water", hardback, 24 cm x 33 cm, 64 p.
  • Text: Anna Skowrońska
  • Illustrations: Agata Dudek, Małgorzata Nowak
Muchomor: Woda - Noski Noski

Toadstool: water

47,00 zł

Water is life. You can read about how it was created and where we will find it in this curiosity book.

Every day we drink water, eat products that contain it, wash it, use it in agriculture and industry. Do you know what percentage of your body water is? And how much water is needed to make a chocolate or hamburger plate? Reading shows How much depends on the water and how you can care for it. Everyone who reaches for a well -written, wonderfully illustrated book will find out. 

Muchomor of the Wiatr Publishing House will appeal to school children and will be a creative help in learning nature, biology and geography.

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