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Two -king: in December in the afternoon, which is a slightly different Advent calendar

39,00 zł

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Advent calendar differently, i.e. ideas on how to actively spend the waiting time for the holidays.

If you are not looking forward to dressing the Christmas tree, baking gingerbread, looking for the first star, gifts- this is a proposal just right for you. Together with the heroes of the book, you can eagerly start writing a letter to Santa Claus and for pre -Christmas for cleaning. And it's best to do all this, as the title indicates, in December in the afternoon! :)

  • Age: 6+
  • DWIKROPEK Publishing House
  • Author: Ewelina Włodarczyk
  • "In December in the afternoon, a slightly different Advent calendar", hardback, 23.5 cm x 28 cm, 88 p.


Dwukropek: W grudniu po południu, czyli trochę inny kalendarz adwentowy - Noski Noski

Two -king: in December in the afternoon, which is a slightly different Advent calendar

39,00 zł

Advent calendar differently, i.e. ideas on how to actively spend the waiting time for the holidays.

If you are not looking forward to dressing the Christmas tree, baking gingerbread, looking for the first star, gifts- this is a proposal just right for you. Together with the heroes of the book, you can eagerly start writing a letter to Santa Claus and for pre -Christmas for cleaning. And it's best to do all this, as the title indicates, in December in the afternoon! :)


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