Książeczki kontrastowe dla niemowląt – od kiedy warto je wprowadzić? - Noski Noski

Contrasting books for babies - since when is it worth introducing them?

Contrasting books for babies - since when is it worth introducing them? Do you want to take care of your child's proper development? Are you wondering what can make this task easier for you? Find ...
Tania wyprawka dla noworodka, czyli jak skompletować wszystko i nie zbankrutować? - Noski Noski

Cheap layette for a newborn, or how to complete everything and not go bankrupt?

Cheap layette for a newborn, or how to complete everything and not go bankrupt?   Welcome to the world of parenthood! Regardless of whether you become a parent for the first time or are a parenting...
Najlepsza butelka dla noworodka, czyli jaka? - Noski Noski

The best bottle for a newborn, or what?

The best bottle for a newborn, or what?  What bottle will be the best for a newborn? What are the recommended bottles for babies? A bottle with free flow? Anti -colic? Imitating breast? As a new p...
Najlepszy rożek niemowlęcy na lato — z jakich materiałów - Noski Noski

The best baby horn for summer - from what materials

The best baby horn for summer - from what materials?   Summer cone? Just because it is warm outside does not mean that you can give up a warm baby cover. The thermoregulation in a newborn is a pro...
Jak ubrać noworodka na wyjście ze szpitala? - Noski Noski

How to dress a newborn baby to leave the hospital?

How to dress a newborn baby to leave the hospital?   Going home with a newborn from the hospital is a super joyful moment that can be a good challenge for beginner parents. After all, you do it fo...
Bezpieczna zawieszka do smoczka — czy są potrzebne i jak wybrać najlepszą? - Noski Noski

Safe pacifier pendant - are they needed and how to choose the best?

Safe pacifier pendant - are they needed and how to choose the best? Safe tap tags are a great way that the necessary equipment is always at hand. The pacifier pendant has many advantages. It is ea...
Najlepszy smoczek — na co zwracać uwagę przy wyborze smoczków? - Noski Noski

The best pacifier - what to look for when choosing teats?

The best pacifier - what to look for when choosing teats?   The best teat for a newborn is the one that will help your child sleep, calm down and be relaxed. However, there are many different types...
Co włożyć do wózka dla noworodka zimą, czyli pierwsze spacery w zimnie - Noski Noski

What to put in a cart for a newborn in winter, i.e. the first walks in the cold

What to put in a cart for a newborn in winter, i.e. the first walks in the cold In winter, walks with a baby in a pram are not as comfortable as in the summer, when it is warm, there is no wind an...
Otulacz czy rożek — co wybrać dla noworodka? - Noski Noski

A swaddle or a horn - what to choose for a newborn?

A swaddle or a horn - what to choose for a newborn?   Swaddles or cones? That is the question! The third trimester brings not only a few extra centimeters in the belt of the future mother, but als...
Co ile wymieniać smoczek i jak dbać o jego czystość na co dzień? - Noski Noski

How much to replace the pacifier and how to care for its cleanliness on a daily basis?

How much to replace the pacifier and how to care for its cleanliness on a daily basis?   The teat is one of the basic things that a newborn baby may need. Mom and dad introduce a teat so that the ...
Smoczek dla noworodka - Noski Noski

A pacifier for a newborn

First teat for a newborn baby He can be a child's best friend. He can provide him with comfort and safety, and help him soothe them when he is nervous. But is the teat really necessary? Is it worth...
Najlepsza butelka dla niemowlaka karmionego piersią - Noski Noski

The best bottle for a breastfed baby

We, we have breastfeeding, sometimes we need a bottle. It is not about the fact that by maintaining the appropriate intervals, we can drink at KP Red wine, although in total they can be combined to...
Pierwsza przytulanka dla niemowlaka — jaka powinna być? - Noski Noski

The first cuddly toy for a baby - what should it be?

A soft duck, bunny or baby teddy bear is a beautiful welcome gift. This small mascot or blanket will help you fall asleep, for the elders it will become a unique souvenir of early childhood. The fi...
Kosz Mojżesza — czy warto dołączyć go do wyprawki? - Noski Noski

Moses basket - is it worth joining it to the layette?

The sleeping basket for a child is a real game changer at the beginning of a parental adventure. Imagine that your toddler falls asleep, and you take him together with the cot to the kitchen, where...
Wyprawka kosmetyczna dla noworodka - Noski Noski

Cosmetic layette for a newborn baby

What cosmetics for a newborn? A list could be useful! Such pulls for beginner parents. Hygienic measures for babies are a super important topic. The skin of newborns and infants is extremely sensit...